As the Hop Leaf Gazette became more commercially focused on the needs of the trade, there were suggestions that the popular section of staff news needed to be improved. So the H&G Simonds ‘Hop Leaf News’ was launched as an experiment with the winter issue of 1955. The last issue was published in Winter 1961. Publication ceased following the formal merger with Courage Barclay Ltd in 1962, but we are missing several, including the last issue – can anybody help please? It was replaced with the Courage Barclay & Simonds staff news, which comes next.

Winter 1954 – 1st number

Winter 1954 – 1st Number

1955 – 1957

Spring 1955

Summer 1955

Autumn 1955

Winter 1955

Spring 1956

Summer 1956

Autumn 1956

Winter 1956

Spring 1957

Summer 1957

Autumn 1957

Winter 1957

1958 – 1961

Spring 1958

Summer 1958

Autumn 1958

Winter 1958

Spring 1959

Summer 1959

Autumn 1959

Winter 1959

Spring 1960

Summer 1960

Autumn 1960

Winter 1960

Spring 1961

Summer 1961

Autumn 1961

Winter 1961


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